Where your manifestation journey begins!

Are you just starting your manifestation journey? Or simply want to understand more about this fascinating world?

Do you want to apply effective techniques and tools without breaking the bank? Then, I have exactly what you are looking for!

My Complete 5 Part Series That will answer your most important questions!

Learn all main aspects of manifestation and how you can achieve your goals in an easy and quick way!

Part One

I will show you the most common mistakes people make when trying to manifest intentionally, or if you don’t know much about manifestation yet, mistakes you may be making now that you think it’s what you are supposed to be doing, but actually are delaying the achieving of your goals right now.

Part Two

In this part two I will take you to a path of what you actually have to do to facilitate the manifestation of your dream, so we will be transforming those mistakes into positive tasks. Plus I will teach you how our conscious and subconscious mind, together with the Universe/Source, play a huge part in this process.

Part Three

This is the part where we address our limiting beliefs, and if you don’t know what they are, once you learn about it, things will begin to make a whole lot of sense in your life! I will teach you how to work on your beliefs so you can start aligning them to work in your favor!

Part Four

This is where the fun part starts, because here is where I teach you how to transform and transmute your limiting beliefs with effective tools and techniques that will make your process so much faster and easier. This is where you will begin to train your subconscious mind to bring your desire in manifested form to you!

Part Five

Time to put everything we’ve learned together and apply all tools I have here for you using our workbook and then our meditation audio. This is where everything will come to life for you!

This course is exactly what I am looking for!!

What to Expect:

Inside the Manifestation Starter Course you will find easy lessons to follow along, plus worksheets, tools and techniques that will catapult your learning, and a very special meditation that I’ve created especially for you! This is a self-pace online program delivered to you through our online platform that allows you to study whenever and wherever you want to.

Video Lessons



Are You excited about learning how to manifest your dream life?

If you have heard about manifestation and are intrigued to learn more about it and see what the deal is really about. If you hear people talking about manifesting dreams and goals everywhere. If you go on social media and see different new people saying they’ve manifested a business or career goal, or a dream vacation, or a loving relationship and want to know how? 

If you have already watched videos, or even bought a course or two and want to dive in deeper in this material and learn more techniques and amazing tools.

Then, this is the course for you! 

This is where I take you from 0 to understanding the most important principles of manifestation and what you should do to achieve your results in no time! You will learn so much in this course you won’t even believe it’s so affordable!! 

I provide you the answers you’ve been looking for about manifestation. It is an immense pleasure to be part of this process with you!

Hey, I am Veronica

I am a manifestation coach who is passionate about helping other people create the life they truly dream of. 

I’ve been studying about manifestation, the law of attrition and laws of the universe since 2007, and I fall even more in love with this world everyday!

And that is why I am here to teach you all about this fascinating material that has changed my life completely! I want your life to be fully transformed as well, and I want you to manifest every single dream of yours! So, Let’s go!

Manifestation Starter Course